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Halcyon Neighborhood Association E-News 7/1/15


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Items appearing in the HNA E-News are deemed to be of general interest to neighbors but do not necessarily reflect the views of Halcyon Neighborhood Association (HNA), its Steering Committee, or the Editor. The Editor’s introductory comments express her personal viewpoint.

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1. Garden Party Benefit for Halcyon Commons, Sun. July 19, 1:30-4 p.m.

2. Volunteers Needed on July 19

3. National Night Out Against Crime: Ice Cream Social in the Park, Tues., 8/5, 6:30–8 p.m.

4. Mini Clean-up in the Park, Thursday, July 30, 4-6:30 p.m.

5. Whole Foods Market News: Next Drop-in Progress Meeting Friday, August 7, 8:15-8:45 a.m.


Editor’s Introductory Note


Thank you to all our great neighborhood volunteers and Whole Foods Market team members who participated in the big work party the weekend of June 13-14 to refurbish the d.g. pathways in Halcyon Commons. Special thanks to Susan Hunter, our lead organizer; to John Steere and Michelle Thelen-Steere for calling to line up volunteers; to Mary Stoker for picking up food and coffee donations and helping keep us organized; to Michael Lamb for professional consultation; to Nancy Carleton (yours truly) for coordinating with city staff and arranging other logistics; to Whole Foods Market Berkeley for donating food and beverages, for sending four team members to help us, and for giving us a way to raise extra funds for materials through their Nickels for Nonprofits program; to Mokka Cafe for providing fresh coffee; to Berkeley Partners for Parks for serving as our nonprofit fiscal sponsor; and to the Parks department for sending a staff member to operate the tamper machine plus help with logistics. Much gratitude to all for pitching in, with repeat thanks to our fearless leader, HNA Treasurer Susan Hunter, who not only set the initiative in motion but saw it through every step of the way, including extra work to prep the pathway the week before, and follow-up steps the week after.


In case you missed out on the pathway project, there’s another chance to help us get our little park ready for its 20th anniversary next year: Help us fulfill our long-held dream to install a sculpture of the park’s icon, a halcyon kingfisher bird, in the oval by the Father Sun bench that was set aside for just such a feature. See item 1 for details about the fun garden benefit taking place on Sunday, July 19, which includes a raffle with gift certificates and baskets from twenty-one of your favorite local businesses. Hope to see you there!


—Nancy Carleton, HNA Co-Chair and E-News Editor,


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1. Garden Party Benefit for Halcyon Commons, Sun. July 19, 1:30-4 p.m.


Editor’s note: Another golden opportunity to share in the wonderful feeling that HNA’s founders experienced when we created Halcyon Commons nineteen years ago! In coming years as you walk through the park you’ll be able to say, “I helped make that sculpture possible!”


Garden Party Benefit for Halcyon Commons!

Sunday, July 19, 1:30-4 p.m.

2130 Prince Street (west of Wheeler)


Live jazz guitar by neighbor Rob Lyons

Nina Lyons’ delightful sculpture garden

3 raffle tickets with $10 admission (prizes from local merchants)

Appetizers catered by Whole Foods Market

Wine & sparkling beverages


A sculpture of the namesake for Halcyon Commons — a halcyon kingfisher bird — has been part of the vision for the park since its creation. Now we need your support to make this vision a reality for the park’s 20th anniversary next year. Nina Lyons, designer of the sculpture, is opening her garden to help HNA raise funds for the installation. Savor some appetizers and drinks, listen to mellow music, and enter the raffle to win prizes from your favorite local merchants.


Your $10 admission includes 3 raffle tickets. Additional tickets are $2 each or 6 for $10. Drawing at 3:30 p.m. Need not be present to win. For more information or to find out how to donate online if you’re unable to attend, email


Local businesses contributing gift certificates or baskets to the raffle include: Berkeley Bowl, Berkeley Repertory Theatre, Cole Hardware, Diesel Books, FloralCultural Society, Ici Ice Cream, Jules Thin Crust Pizza, La Mediterranée, Mokka Café, The Nail Spa, Nabolom Collective Bakery, Nina’s Nutritious Cookies, Philz Coffee, See’s Candies, Starbucks, Summer Kitchen, Tara’s Organic Ice Cream, Venus Restaurant, Whole Foods Market, Yellow Emperor Community Acupuncture Clinic, Your Basic Bird . . .


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2. Volunteers Needed on July 19


Hi neighbors!


On July 19th our neighborhood is sponsoring a Garden Party Benefit [see item 1] to support the creation of a bird sculpture for our park. Several of us have been working really hard to secure gift certificates from local merchants to raffle at the event as a way of raising funds for purchasing the sculpture. There are various jobs that need “staffing” for the day of the event, and we hope some of you might be able to help out with the following:


Food/Drink Set-up and Replenishing: Whole Foods has agreed to deliver the food on the day of the event. A couple of volunteers are needed to keep the trays replenished until food runs out.


Set-up Crew: Several people with strong backs are needed to move tables and chairs sometime between July 12 and July 18. We’ll be having a mini work party to clean up and set up for the event on Sunday July 12, 2-5 p.m.; email if you can help out that afternoon. Snacks and lemonade courtesy of Whole Foods Market will await you.


Clean-up Crew: Several people with strong backs needed to stay after the event closes around 4 p.m. to restore the space as directed by the homeowners, to include moving tables and chairs.


Announcer/Hawker: One or two hawkers with loud and practiced marketing voices are needed to periodically entice our guests to buy raffle tickets in support of the gift certificates they most want to win. There will be individual “buckets” for each gift certificate. People will buy raffle tickets to put into the bucket(s) of the items they want to win.  A winning ticket will be drawn from each bucket at 3:30 pm.


We hope to confirm all volunteers by July 4th. Please let us know if you would be willing to help out, and if so which job(s) you are willing to do. Email to volunteer or for more information.


Thank you!

Joanna Phoenix (for the event organizing committee)


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3. National Night Out Against Crime: Ice Cream Social in the Park, Tues., 8/4, 6:30–8 p.m.


Editor’s note: Event organizer Tory Finn is looking for another neighbor with an ice cream machine, either old-fashioned or modern, willing to make some homemade ice cream to share at the event (one of our faithful frozen dessert makers has to miss the event due to travel plans, although two others will still be churning up some tasty treats, plus Whole Foods Market will be making a donation). It’s a fun way to enjoy the summer ritual of ice cream making, and your neighbors will be forever grateful if you’re willing to help out in this way. Also needed are volunteers on August 4 to help with setup the half hour beforehand and cleanup right after. Email


Ice Cream Social in the Park for National Night Out Against Crime

Halcyon Commons (Halcyon at Prince)

Tuesday, August 4, 6:30-8 p.m.

Delicious Middle Eastern appetizers and sheet cake courtesy of Whole Foods Market.

Homemade Ice Cream courtesy of neighborhood volunteers (with supplements and nondairy alternative courtesy of Whole Foods Market)

Children welcome and encouraged to attend!


We’re anticipating a fun summer evening in the park this evening, with visits from police, firefighters, and city officials. This event is a crucial part of our neighborhood watch program, so bundle up to stay warm and please come out and support it with your presence! 


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4. Mini Clean-up in the Park, Thursday, July 30, 4-6:30 p.m.


Mini Work Party in the Park

Meet at Halcyon Commons (Halcyon at Prince)
Thursday, July 30, 4-6:30 p.m.

Delicious refreshments courtesy of Whole Foods Market.

* Weeding in Halcyon Commons and nearby landscaped barriers

* Graffiti removal if we have enough help


Many hands make light work: Please lend yours! Even half an hour helps. Children welcome. Bring your own tools if you have them, or use ours if you don’t. We don’t have any student volunteers to help with this work party, so it’s up to us neighbors! We’ll be getting our neighborhood common space spiffed up for our National Night Out Against Crime Ice Cream Social in the Park on August 4 (see item 3).


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5. Whole Foods Market News: Next Drop-in Progress Meeting Friday, August 7, 8:15-8:45 a.m.


Editor’s note: News from Whole Foods Market. Please note that the Telegraph Avenue store has a new Marketing Team Leader, Ruby Beaupre, who came out herself to help us with hard labor at our d.g. work party in June, in addition to arranging for the delicious food donation. If you’d like to be added to the neighbor notification list that Ruby Beaupre will be maintaining for the neighborhood-WFM meetings (and to notify neighbors when work is being done at the store), please email her at


Next Drop-in Progress Meeting, Friday, August 7, 8:15-8:45 a.m.

Whole Foods Market (check in at Customer Service)


“These meetings are held at the Community Table at the front of the store, and the purpose is to share our plans for ongoing changes in the store, street litter control, and progress on any of the ongoing issues we discuss [with HNA reps and nearby neighbors]. The Store Team Leader is usually present, and anyone is welcome to join us. Of course there will be complimentary coffee or tea. Our goal is to follow up immediately on any issues that we hear about, and to hear how the store can be a better neighbor.”


As always, if there are ever any urgent issues, please call the store at 510-649-1333 and ask for the shift manager on duty. We have new shift leaders being trained, so please send an email to the group below so we can follow up appropriately. Always feel free to swing by too, if you’d like to have a word with us.


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